Desta Haile is a British-Eritrean teacher, vocalist, intercultural trainer & writer with over fifteen years of international experience.
Languages Through Music has been going for seven years! She co-founded the Sisters Only Language Summit in 2020. Desta speaks English, French, and Portuguese fluently, decent Spanish and Dutch and is continuously working on Arabic, Turkish, Tigrinya, Thai, Swahili, ASL, Mandarin....
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Why learn with
How does a class work?
In each class you get at least one song. We learn about the artist, the style of music, and the cultural context. We discover the key words and phrases before going through the lyrics line by line.
We will
fine tune pronunciation
build our own phrases from the new vocabulary
increase understanding and confidence
Music really helps it all sink in!
Your job is to sing along with the songs as much as possible– slowly at first, until you’re so comfortable that you don’t even need to read it anymore. You will be surprised at how much you can learn in this way. We absorb so much information in these “sonic packages," all wrapped in the rhythms, harmonies, emotions, and actions that each song is composed of.